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  • sdalcin


I honesty thought this movie was going to be better than it was, but I was a bit disappointed. I love the original and watch it at least once a year so I had high hopes that this one would be that good too. The plot of the movie made no sense and seemed really silly, but not in a Willy Wonka way. I will say that Timonthy Chalamet played a good Wonka, much better than when Johnny Depp played him. Even though I didn't really enjoy the movie, I thought our themed dinner was great!

Even though there wasn't any Magic Chewing Gum in this movie, we did base our dinner off of that. If you don't know what that is, in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, this gum that Violet eats contains a full three course meal. The three courses are tomato soup, roast beef with baked potato and blueberry pie. We skipped the tomato soup as I would be the only one to eat it and had roast beef along with baked potato or mashed potatoes. I used my crock pot on this and made Mississippi Roast as we all like that. Love when the smell is super easy, especially since we do these with the girls! We have tried many different types of food doing these themes over the years, but really I want to make them as kid friendly as possible. They are my audience after all!

There was a scene in this movie where Wonka makes “hoverchocs”, that make people fly. We again went with the original and had Fizzy Lifting drink, which is similar to “hoverchocs”. We found an Izze drink that was in a glass bottle at the grocery store and that was our Fizzy Lifting Drink. We didn't even add any alcohol to this one. Everyone seemed to enjoy it!

Well, it wouldn't be a theme dinner without chocolate on this one, since it's all about chocolate. It was recently Easter when we did this theme and happen to have some chocolate easter bunnies lying around. The girls also got a fondue pot at Christmas, and this came in handy as well. We sacrificed a bunny to use as our chocolate to melt for fondue. We got Oreos, vanilla wafers, graham crackers, apples and strawberries to dip into it. Turned out delicious! They especially loved dipping the Oreos into the chocolate.

Hope you enjoyed this themed dinner! Again, as much as Timothee Chalamet was a good Wonka. nobody beats the original plates by Gene Wilder. So for me it was hard to get into this movie. However, it was still fun to do a theme and eat some chocolate.


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