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  • sdalcin

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

This was a another movie that I enjoyed when I was a child. Roger Rabbit was so funny and it was the first movie I remember where there was a mix of cartoon and live action. When we have gone to Disneyland and ventured Into Toon Town, our girls didn’t even know who Roger Rabbit was. We like to mix in older movies with new ones and since, we were in between new ones, it was the perfect time to do a theme and introduce them to it. Again I don’t know if they enjoyed it as much as we did as children, but they liked parts. Kyrie even knew who the bad person was before the end of the movie.

So if you remember the movie, the only way to erase a toon was The Dip. It is a greenish, chemical mixture of turpentine, acetone, and benzine, which all of them are paint-thinners. So we made our own Dip, which was cheese fondue. I wanted to make a more adult cheese mixture, but I didn’t think the girls would eat it, so I decided on Velveeta. Well they ended up not liking that anyways, so I should have made something different. For the food to dip, I got a variety of vegetables, some baguette bread and pepperoni. The girls at least nibbled on the food items and stayed away from the cheese. I guess they were unsure if they were going to be erased liked the toons!

We went with the simple Roger Rabbit drink and stayed true to the recipe we found. It involves amaretto, Malibu rum, and pineapple juice. Once all mixed, you shake it up until you get a thick foam. For the girls, we added some almond flavor to their pineapple juice. Very refreshing drink for sure and we all could have had more than what we drank.

So Tyler wanted to keep to the toon like feel in the movie. So what better than jello! We mixed up raspberry and lime jello and then we used some cookies cutters as well as hand cut out the shapes. We dyed some of the cool whip topping, so that the jello shape can be decorated however each person wanted. Sort of like decorating a sugar cookie, but with jello. Tyler even made a fun roger Rabbit jello piece. Even though this dessert was super simple, it was very tasty. I haven’t had jello in a long time, probably since I was a child. So it was fitting as this movie was from my childhood

Thanks for reading along again! I hoped you enjoyed this one as much as the adults did in it. I thought it was super simple and yet fit the theme perfectly!


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