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The Mask

Sometimes for our themed dinner nights we throw in a movie that is from Tyler and mine's past. After watching Sonic the Hedgehog and them laughing at Jim Carey in that movie, we thought it would be fun to watch one of his original movies, The Mask. The girls only enjoyed it so so and laughed at a few scenes. But Tyler and I on the other hand laughed all over again, it's been a long time since we watched this movie.

If you have watched this movie and remember the scene toward the end when he swallows the ticking bomb and then burps up smoke then says "That's a spicy meatball"! Well, that is what we had for our dinner that night, homemade spicy meatballs. I made some homemade garlic bread out of some hamburger buns we didn't eat the previous week as well. The girls ate everything up and overall a very successful meal!

Both our drink and the dessert were inspired by The Mask himself and his color green! We mixed a juice smoothie we found called the Green Goodness with some gin. It wasn't the worse drink, but it wasn't the best either. The girls just had the Green Goodness juice smoothie and loved it! So at least it was a win for them.

We have a lime tree in our backyard and the summer is when they are ready to pick! So we decided to make a key lime pie. I followed this recipe and it turned out really good! Very limey though since the limes were very fresh. The best was it was a no bake and it had a graham cracker crust, which is Jules favorite!

Hope you enjoyed this themed and maybe tried it when you watched it yourself. Comment below which Jim Carey movie is your favorite!


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