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  • sdalcin

Step Right up to the Greatest Show on Earth!

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

One of my favorite movies as well as the girls is The Greatest Showman! I love everything about it- the actors/actresses, the story line, the music. Oh the music- I love it so much, I have the soundtrack on repeat. So why not make a theme about circuses. We actually ended up watching the new Dumbo live action and The One and Only Ivan, as well as, The Greatest Showman (over the course of the weekend).

A few weeks prior, Kyrie dressed up like a clown and put on a show for us, so I thought she should do it again this night. Of course, when the wig was needed, it was lost somewhere in the house, so she just put some blue color in her hair. Jules, however, still needed something, so over the course of the week, I made her bar bell for an easy Strongest Woman costume. We had the grandparents that evening on Facetime and the girls put on a circus show, which included the dogs going through a ring of fire and a pie in the a face. This resulted in tears, so it wasn’t really the Greatest Show for one little girl.

I also collected some bottles and aluminum cans throughout the week so we had some fun carnival games for the girls to play that evening. It was really windy that night, so the cans weren’t staying up, but I think the girls still had fun. Also thanks to GamGam, they even won a few prizes.

When doing some research for drinks, there were a few that contained Fireball, which I am not a fan of, so we came up with our own called the Ring of Fire. It consisted of strawberry and banana smoothie mixed together to form a “fire“ look. We also added rum for the adults drinks! It turned out super yummy.

What are some foods that you get at circuses and carnivals? Corndogs, hotdogs, popcorn and peanuts!! We eat hot dogs quite a bit so, we went with the corn dogs. Tyler also carved an elephant out of a watermelon and I made a hat for it to resemble Dumbo. We also made a clown face out of veggies. Very simple and delicious dinner!

To finish the evening, we made a peanut butter pie for dessert! I swapped out animal crackers for the graham crackers and this turned out a lot better than I thought when I was making it. It honestly tasted like a Reese’s peanut butter cup with chocolate filling, so delicious!

Hope you had fun reading about our circus theme dinner! We are really enjoying doing these each week for the girls to have something to look forward to. Comment below what you would do for your theme.



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