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  • sdalcin

Shark Week

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Does anyone else love watching Shark Week, but is still deathly scared of sharks like me? Just me then! I think I watch the show for the education but then it gives me nightmares and increases my fear of them. But every year, I am back at watching it. So we timed this themed dinner with shark week and it was a scare, I mean hit!

We found this fun appetizer on Pinterest for shark week, so we thought we would try it. It was a spinach dip (which we made from scratch) and added blue corn tortilla chips to look like sharks. We called it seaweed dip with shark fins. Tyler and I couldn’t stop eating it, it was that delicious!

Since it was still Summertime and we love using our new Treager, we decided to grill. we made Shipwreck ribs and it was fall off the bone yummy! To add a side for the dinner, we made cornbread and cut them into shark fins. For added fun, Tyler carved a shark out of a watermelon. It turned out sharktastic!

I think the biggest hit of the night were the drinks. They are called either Shark Bite or Blood in the Water depending on which search you do, but they are refreshing. And of course, we had children and adult renditions. A quick funny story on the gummies that we’re added to both the drinks and dessert is that the girls and I saw them a week before but decided against buying them. I also thought they would be at the local Frys when we went and of course nothing. So the night before this dinner, Tyler went on a shark hunt and came up empty. We did eventually end up finding them the next day and bought them ahead to ensure we had them.

So the dessert we ate was a Pinterest fail. I bought all the ingredients as it needed, but the moment I saw the vanilla pudding turn yellow not white, I knew this wasn’t going to turn out right. My rememberance of kindergarten color mixing is that yellow and blue make green was right and alas it did not turn into the bright blue in the picture. So instead of the ocean blue it turned into seaweed green! It tasted fine though.

To top the night off and something you typically wouldn’t do in the ocean, was night swimming. The girls were looking forward to this all week and we were thankful a monsoon didn’t roll up that night. The girls however were not expecting the glowsticks and the shark beach ball (which together cost $3) and they had an amazing night swimming!

Thanks for swimming on by. Comment below with your favorite fact about sharks.



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