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Secret Invasion

So Steph doesn't know but I am secretly invading here blog to do a theme on the new Marvel series Secret Invasion. Being as this show is about Skrulls who can shape-shift into any other person, invading earth in secret- I figured it was only appropriate that the blog also be included in the theme. As with any good secret invasion, I am going to make all the theme dinner items look and be like normal items we would have for dinner. That way Steph won't even know a theme dinner has occurred until she sees this post. Hopefully, she doesn't think it is stupid or we don't get caught.

So for the main dish we are going to have Bacon Ranch Chicken. This is a household favorite and was already asked for by K for tonight so it works out perfectly. It is penne pasta with a ranch packet flavored chicken, a white sauce, cheese and bacon bits. There is usually very little left.

For desert we are going to have a 'cake'. Juliet and I, are going to make lime Jell-o in a pie tin and fully cover it with Cool Whip but we are going to pass it off as chocolate cake with whipped topping. The lime is because the Skrulls in this show are a green-ish color when they are in natural form. The cake facade is because the Skrulls can shape shift into any other person (or in this case lime jello into chocolate cake). Won't she be surprised!

Drinks are going to be Icees but Juliet has mixed up all the flavors. Again a nod to all the secret invasion and shape (taste) shifting we expect in this show. We will see if anyone else notices!

Hi Friends! This is Steph writing now. So Tyler did pull this off- it helped that we just got back from an East Coast trip and I was a bit jet lagged along with taking Kyrie to Hairspray at ASU Gammage this day. I had questions when I came home about both the dessert as it didn't make sense to make a single layer cake and honestly it still looked odd still being in the cake pan. The ICE drinks seemed to be already opened, which both Kyrie and I questioned. Kyrie also noticed Jules drink being a little flat. But they did definitively pull this off and secretly invade us! Kudos to them. Hope you had fun on this themed dinner along with enjoying the show Secret Invasion!


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