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  • sdalcin

RV Life

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

So after long consideration, we finally purchased an RV. I am excited to take it for lots of longer trips to CA, CO, NM, UT and NV. So for our first trip we took it up North to Flagstaff, just to get a feel for it. Besides the drive up and back with our very anxious dogs, it was good and nice to be in the comfort of a mini home for 4 days. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy our trips in the middle of the wilderness in our tent , but not to sound too old, my back doesn’t like sleeping on an air mattress anymore. The girls were a little disappointed that we weren’t in the middle of the wilderness like usual, but it was still fun to get away from the blazing heat. At this point AZ had many record high temps and the girls were tired of swimming every day in the pool. So some cooler weather is what we needed!

So the meals that we ate on this trip were your typical camping dinners and I will go into one of those in a moment. However, at the end of this trip our oldest daughter decided to become a vegetarian and our youngest no more eating pig. So these were the last of meals that we all at the same exact thing! One of our pre vegetarian day camping meals is hotdogs! And for some reason they were delicious at this time, probably because we had a long hike that day and burned many calories, so we were extra hungry. Even though we brought charcoal, we were unable to use the grills due to the recent fires. So we did them on the stove top in the RV and they turned out just as good as on a grill.

As a gift for each of us, I had a friend create the individual stainless steel drinking cups that will stay on the RV. They each had a fun saying or picture that was different for each cup with reference to camping and our name on them. They came out perfect and the girls loved them! They were used throughout the trip for juice, hot coco, coffee, tea, beer and wine (for the adults).

And of course, smore’s also were eaten on this trip! Since we didn't have the luxury of a fire on this trip, we used the air fryer to make them. I followed a recipe on Pinterest and they turned out really ooey and gooey. Basically, you place the piece of chocolate on the Graham cracker inside the air fryer and let it melt for a minute. Then you place the marshmallow on top of the melted chocolate, so that it doesn't fly around in the air fryer. Last you cook it for a couple more minutes for the marshmallow to soften and viola you have an air fryer smore. The girls did miss not being able to burn the marshmallow over the fire like they normally do, but still thought it was a good smore.

I know this isn’t our typical theme dinner, movie, and dessert, but I thought it would be fun to share our Flagstaff adventure with you. Hope you enjoyed reading! Comment below if you prefer camping in a tent, RV or staying in hotel? Again thanks for reading!


These are my opinions, and not necessarily the same opinions of any organization I am affiliated with. Because I’m always adding new content to my blog, I may change my mind about a few older topics. I am not responsible for the comments my readers leave and I have the right to delete comments. The content on my blog is generated for entertainment and informative purposes, but not to be perceived as professional advice. Lastly, I am not offering any endorsements.

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