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  • sdalcin

Robin Hood Men in Tights

I am not sure how we ended on this movie- we maybe wanted to throw in a Mel Brooks comedy after so many Disney movies. I don’t know. But Mel Brooks movies always make me laugh and this one is no exception. Of course parts of this movie went over the girls heads, but they did laugh out loud in some parts as well. I don’t think they loved it, but they didn’t dislike it! Maybe wait on another for a bit?

Well since this movie is all about puns, we tried to incorporate that into the themed dinner as best we could. Starting with the main dish- we had Not-a-ham but a Turkey (get it Nottingham)! Even though this movie changed the name Nottingham to Rottingham which I forgot all about that until we were watching the movie. Oh well! Since it is the middle of the summer, full turkeys were not in stock. I found what I thought was a small Turkey, but it turned out to be just a breast. We tried out the Traegger and smoked the turkey. It was our first time doing this and we think it turned out really good. I made my homemade mashed potatoes and gravy to make it a full meal!

When we were searching for drinks, we couldn’t really come up with a fun pun. But we did find some Mead! There is a local Meadery that when we were searching had a bottle named Maid Marion and it was meant to be! I have only had Mead a handful of times, but this one was delicious. It was sweet, but not too sweet and it tasted like berries. We went very simple for the girls and just tried to match the color to our Mead. We found a Vitamin Water called Dragonfruit, which also sounded Medieval, so we went with it. The girls seemed to love it and it looked just like our drink.

Our dessert was very fun! We made authentic Maid MarionBerry Hand Pies. And instead of the typical hand pie, we used the girls hands to make the pies. I made the marionberry (blackberry) pie filling from scratch and it was super easy. We traced the girls hands onto the pie crust and then filled each one with the filling. Girls thought they were super fun and they turned out yummy too!

Thanks again for stopping by! Hope you got some ideas if you were doing this theme!


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