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Matilda the Musical

Here we are go again with another remake of a movie and a themed dinner for it! My girls have already seen the original Matilda movie and we all love it. Tyler and I have actually seen the Matilda the Musical on Broadway as well and were surprised they made this into a movie! We did enjoy it as they kept the story very similar, but I think we all agreed we liked the original better!

I really loved doing this theme though. We decided on making book sandwhiches since Matilda loves her books! We cut the tortilla up along with turkey and cheese into the books. The girls then used edible pens and turned the tortillas into a book cover. To complete our meal, we added some soup (or Ramen for the girls) to go along with the sandwhiches and make it a little more of a filling meal. The book sandwhiches turned out super cute and again always a win when it's gets eaten.

The drink was also very cute and simple! We had Miss Honey's Ice Tea. We ended buying premade Arizona's Green Tea with Honey, but you can easily make your own tea. This got slurped up by the girls and seconds were asked.

The dessert was made by our special guest who watched this movie with us. We stayed with the infamous chocolate cake that Bruce is forced to eat by Miss Trunchbull. However, we had a slight variation and turned it into a chocolate bundt cake with chocolate frosting. It was delicious and the girls even recreated the scene for us!

Hope you enjoyed the themed dinner for Matilda the Musical! This could also be replicated for the original Matilda movie. Overall simple, interactive and delicious. Comment below your thoughts on the musical.


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