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Lyle, Lyle Crocodile

I didn't know much about this movie except that it's about a crocodile who sings and it's voiced by Shawn Mendes. Also that it's based on some children's book, but we never read it. It's a pretty simple movie and entertained us all for an hour and a half. Overall nothing to spectacular, so maybe we will watch it again or maybe not. The singing did get us to sing along though!

We kept the theme simple, as I didn't want to feed the girls cat, or any food from the dumpster. In one scene, they end up eating pizza for breakfast along with caviar. We ended up only doing the pizza though because it was more likely the girls would eat something out of the dumpster than caviar, Pizza always goes well with everyone and dinner was successful!

We did bake our own dessert though for this theme. We created a Lyle the Crocodile out of cupcakes. The girls had a lot of fun with this, not only baking and icing the cupcakes, but also making it into a crocodile with other candy! It turned out cool and homemade cupcakes are always better made by the girls!

For the drink, we went really simple and went with "Gator"ade. Get it?! Kyrie had Glacier Frost Black Cherry and Jules choose Lime Cucumber. Overall, nothing out of the ordinary for them, but they like Gatorade, so a win!

Hope you enjoyed reading about these themed dinner ideas! Again the girls had fun with making the Lyle, Lyle Crocodile cupcakes. Thanks again for stopping by.


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