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The Croods-It’s a New Age

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

So let me tell you a quick story about this themed movie. We saw the preview ad for The Croods: The New Age and thought this would be a great movie to do a theme on. After we hunted and gathered all of our food and went to rent the movie, we quickly realized it was released in theaters and not in video on demand! We were shocked and surprised as just about every other movie was released through video on demand. So we instead watched the first movie and when the sequel was eventually released, we watched it. The first one was entertaining and I believe underrated and the sequel was just as good and funny!

To start the dinner off, I made cheesy bones or just bones for the unevolved cave people that didn’t want cheese on them. I think I could have made them better, but when the girls really want to help- it ends up how it is. They were super cheesy (or at least the cheesy ones were) and hit the spot perfectly!

Since this movie is based during a prehistoric time, we decided on Cavemen/women Pops. Basically, it was a turkey leg and it just so happened to be from our Thanksgiving Turkey a couple days earlier. For Kyrie (aka the eternal gatherer), we substituted one of her vegetarian chicken patties. Maybe she is too evolved for meat Pops, though oddly not enough so much for cheese.

We also decided on a nut and berry salad or a salad with berries and nuts on the side for the picky ones. Either way it all got eaten. I was quite surprised with the very good selection of berries that we foraged for (at the store), since it wasn’t summer anymore. The salad we made was good, but what would have made it better would have been goat cheese. Oh well next time!

The drink we made was a Prehistoric Punch! It was a splash of Cranberry/Pomegranate juice and Champange. A quick substitution of Sprite for the Champagne for the smaller ones of the pack to drink then both drinks were finished with fresh pomegranate to add that little something extra. I will say one thing about these theme dinners is the fun we are having making different cocktails that we normally wouldn’t try!

Since I didn’t want to bake something after just celebrating Thanksgiving, we came up with the idea of build your own ice cream. Plus we were able to use whatever was left of the berries and nuts. All topped with the most recent of inventions which we call “whipped cream”. It was a fun, albeit chilly night by the fire.

Thanks again for stopping by and reading about our themed dinners!


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