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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

I can remember many movies nights growing up where we watched the Indiana Jones movies over and over. I was always a little disturbed with the one scene in the Temple of Doom with the ripping out the heart but other than that I have always enjoyed this franchise. I was a little shocked though that they were making another one with Harrison Ford being quite old. I am guessing with the end, that this is the closure for his character. Overall, not bad, it was similar style to the others and had some nostalgic parts for us to enjoy. It was a very long movie, and we did have to finish it another night as we started it quite late that evening. I don’t think it will be a movie that will be watched again though! Oh well, not all the classic we enjoyed in our youth will be liked by our children.

For this theme, we went off of what we knew from the previous movies and came up with ideas, since we didn’t know much about the new one. In Raiders of the Lost Arc, there is an iconic scene with Indiana running from a giant boulder. So, we created that into our meal and made a giant cheese filled meatballs accompanied by some pasta sauce for dipping.

To go along with our cheese filled Boulders, we made snake breadsticks. If you know any of the Indiana Jones movie, he hates snakes and it was actually brought up in this movie as well. I found a way online on how to do them and they were simple enough to make. I didn't have the energy to dye them green but did use our edible markers to make a face on them. To make them, we used premade biscuit dough, stretched them out and wrapped them around kabob sticks that were sprayed with oil hoping they would come right off. After they were baked, they were removed from the sticks, and we had to be super delicate as we made the snakes a little thin. A couple of them did stick a little too much to the sticks and we lost a tail or two, but they were still good to eat! My girls loved them as they love those biscuits in any way.

Our drink was the Holy Grail, nothing to do with this new movie, but it was the premise in the Raiders of the Lost Arc movie. We made our own Lavender Simple Syrup and since Kyrie is super into Lavender right now, so we thought it would be worth a try. The rest of the drink had Gin, St. Germaine's Elderflower, grapefruit juice and Prosecco. We swapped out the alcohol and added some Sprite as we typically do. You only need a smidge of the Lavender Simple Syrup as it really is strong, but overall, it was a good drink and already had some of my favorite combinations for a cocktail.

Our dessert was a giant cookie to resemble the Dial of Destiny. We choose a peanut butter for the actual cookie flavor. Once the batter was made, Kyrie drew and cut out cookies pieces to later reconstruct. After being baked, the pieces were put together to make the Dial of Destiny. The batter that wasn’t used for the pieces were just baked into regular round cookies (which may or may not got a little over baked).

Comment below what you think of the Indiana Jones Franchise. I think I need to rewatch this movie to fully get the nostalgia from the originals, but Harrison Ford was still able to pull off some action scenes.


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