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Juliet was participating in a read along at school, where the principal was reading a book to each grade level. The book that was being read to them was Holes. After it was read, I mentioned to her that there was a movie that was made, and she should watch it. She loved this movie and watched it almost every day for a month. I told her since she has read the book and watched the movie, she should make a theme dinner on it. Both Tyler and I enjoyed this movie back in the early 2000s. It has a great cast and very enjoyable! I also think Jules did very well on this theme.

The movie is about a boy who is sent to a juvenile detention camp after he was wrongfully convicted of stealing shoes. At this camp, they are to dig holes as their punishment. Later in the movie, you learn the reason for digging holes is to find a treasure that is thought to be believed was buried there. During one scene, while they are digging holes, they have a quick lunch of bologna and cheese, graham crackers and an apple served out of the back of the truck. We choose to upgrade our bread from regular white bread to a hoagie roll. And instead of bologna for some people, we had salami. We felt like we were all part of the detention camp with this basic meal!

One boy, Zero, runs away into the desert and Stanley (the main character) goes out to search for him. He finds him hiding in abandoned wood boat in the middle of the dried up lake. In that boat there are jars of peaches that have been fermented for over 100 years. Zero drinks this concoction as they have no water and calls it Sploosh. Jules decided to have our own Sploosh which was a Peach smoothie. Very simple and girls loved it!

With the title of the movie called Holes and digging holes was what the boys did throughout the movie, Jules decided on having doughnuts filled with smashed up Oreos in the center. We added little spoons to be our shovels and make it seem like you can dig a hole. Went over very well and let’s be real, who doesn’t love a donut!

I hope you enjoyed reading along for this themed night dinner! Jules had a great time putting this together and I am impressed at what she did. Let me know if you have tried this one at all in the comments below.


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