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  • sdalcin

Back to the Future-Great Scott!!

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

One of my favorite movies growing up in the 80s was the Back to the Future trilogy! As a little girl when it was my time to pick a Friday night movie, just like this, I would pick BTTF, specifically the 2nd one. I loved how they had to go to the future and then go back to the past, in order to fix the wrong that was done. Now if only we can do that to 2020, right?! So we made this one a weekend event and watched one of the movies each night. I think the girls enjoyed them. They didn’t say they didn’t, but not sure it became a favorite like me. To create some nostalgia, (no I didn’t find the Gray’s Sport’s Almanac) I made each of the girls some fun future glasses that Doc wears in the second movie. I also had an old wig from a costume a few years back and we had mini Docs!

In case you haven’t seen the movies, here are the names of the major characters so it gives you an idea of how we came up with our meal. First there is Marty McFly, who is the main character and is the one that goes back in time. Then there is the eccentric Doc Brown, who is the scientist that figures out time travel. Throughout all three movies, there is a running theme whenever Marty is called a chicken he doesn‘t stand down .... So we ate “Don’t call me Chicken Wings/Nuggets.“ Tyler made the BBQ and hot sauce for the wings and the girls had some chicken nuggets. We also ate Marty McFries- get it Marty McFly, haha! Then for dessert we had Doc Brownies.

For the adult drink, we came up with our own concoction. We called it ‘Alternate Reality.‘ It consisted of Pineapple Juice, Vodka, and Vizzy Pineapple and it turned out quite yummy. For the girls we made root beer floats, since they go back to the 1950s in the movies. Also for the girls, we found some Pepsi Free which is also seen throughout the movies.

Thanks for reading and comment below if you are a fan of Back to The Future trilogy like me. Or tell what was your favorite 80s movie Is.



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