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Charlotte’s Web

So if you have read any previous blogs, there was a time when we would do a theme after a book the girls each read. Kyrie's was Diary of a Wimpy Kid (which was a very fun theme, so go check it out) and this was done about a year ago. We knew it would take Jules a little more time to read her book as she is just learning to read and she chose Charlotte's Web! So with a little help from the parents, the girls did most of the choosing of the theme. Juliet seems to be a visual person and likes to write things down, so she started a list of ideas for her theme. It was super cute! I took a picture of it to always remember! Anyways, her theme came together just perfectly.

For her main part of the meal, she decided on the tried and true Pigs in a Blanket. And since this book is about a pig, it was the perfect touch! Juliet made them herself and was super proud! Everyone ate it along with her side of bacon she also wanted for the dinner. To also stay on the pig theme, she wanted curly fries to represent the piggies tails! To add a little green, the parents added some pig sloop aka hummus and veggies!

Jules idea of the drink came from looking at the title of the chapters in the book. After reading each one, she really liked Summer Days. After some thought and a little discussion with mom, her drink was inspired by a hot summer day there being nothing better than a cold glass of lemonade. Ah, so refreshing. So we looked up different lemonades and landed on an orange juice lemonade and called it Summer Days. To make it more adult, lemon and vanilla vodka along with some orange bitters were added to the OJ and Lemonade! It was very refreshing and I believe was spot on for what she was envisioning.

The dessert was inspired by Charlotte herself and for the fact that Jules has been wanting to try macarons for a long time. We bought our macaron as the weekend had a snafu and we didn't have time to make them. But we did draw the web on it to represent the spider web!


These are my opinions, and not necessarily the same opinions of any organization I am affiliated with. Because I’m always adding new content to my blog, I may change my mind about a few older topics. I am not responsible for the comments my readers leave and I have the right to delete comments. The content on my blog is generated for entertainment and informative purposes, but not to be perceived as professional advice. Lastly, I am not offering any endorsements.

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