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  • sdalcin

Blue Beetle

This movie didn't get much hype and we were perusing HBO one day and came across it. We enjoy watching Superhero movies and liked who was playing the Blue Beetle from being fans of Cobra Kai, so why not. Overall, it wasn't a bad movie. The main character comes across an old alien relic, called the Scarab, that when he touched it fused to him and gave him superpowers. As in typical superhero movies, a villain is trying to get this relic back for his own personal use. Lots of fighting and some funny banter throughout the movie. Since they are revamping the DC universe, I am not sure if there will be another one in the future even though it was left open for a sequel.

We came up with this movie kind of last minute, but I think the main dish was perfect! We decided on getting blue corn tortilla chips to make some nachos. Girls layered on what they wanted for toppings, but everyone had some of our "beetles". The beetles were just halved black olives scattered onto the nachos.

One of the things about doing these themed dinners, when we try to experiment and make a new drink, it sometimes doesn't work out. We wanted to continue with the blue color and found a vibrant blue berry lemonade for the girls. We tried to get that same color for an adult drink, however, as mentioned it didn't turn out. We had blueberry tea, but when it was made, it turned out to be a reddish color instead of a blue color. Since we already committed and couldn't pivot, we just went with it. To the blueberry tea, we added gin, St.Germain's elderflower liquor and rum. It tasted very good, just had a reddish color to it instead of blue. Oh well!

There is a local ice cream place that makes a very delicious and also very blue ice cream, so I immediately thought we could pick a pint up and use it for our theme. Worked out great since we didn't have to make anything and the blue color was perfect. The flavor is vanilla (dyed blue) and has oreo cookies in it. Everyone gobbled it up!

Even though the adult drink was a bust, it was still a fun themed night dinner and movie! Can’t ever go wrong with ice cream especially when it’s blue! Comment below if you tried anything!


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