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  • sdalcin

Black Widow

We have been anticipating this movie since they announced it a year or so ago! Since we are not going to theaters to watch movies quite yet, we definitely planned on streaming it. Thankfully they released it in the theaters and on Disney +. The movie was fantastic, it had action, drama, women power- all the things we enjoy! Doing this theme was also fun even though our meal wasn’t a hit.

We immediately decided on Russian food, but needed to do some research on what to actually make. I came across what I thought seemed like an easy recipe and for the most part it was. We decided on beef and cheese blini, basically a meat pie that is well enjoyed in the country. It was a savory crepe! Because you make the crepes and the meat filling, then fry them it took a bit longer than anticipated. We also couldn’t get them to stay closed when we were frying them and all the filling would fall out. So we improvised and grabbed the panini maker and tried to carefully place it in it to fry it. It was successful in some. They tasted great to Tyler and me, but not the girls! Again- I am happy that they are trying these new dishes.

I really enjoyed the drink and found it on this website It was a black widow cocktail with blackberries, raspberries, vanilla, sugar, lemon juice, soda water and of course Vodka! We just omitted the vodka for the girls! By muddling the blackberries it creates that black red color like the spider. It fit the theme perfect and was quite delicious!

I really enjoyed making the dessert for this one. I knew right away I wanted to incorporate black widow spiders somewhere into it. Plus I also wanted blackberries. So I decided to bake chocolate cupcakes with a blackberry frosting! As usual, I can’t please both girls- one liked the frosting while the other didn’t. I think it could have had more blackberry flavor, but they were delicious regardless. I have never made this type of frosting, but it was super easy and involved straining the blackberries. My cupcakes that I made from scratch were also super moist. And the black widow spider rings made a great touch to bring it altogether. I just used a red paint pen and created the black widow mark on regular black spiders that my mom had lying around.

Tell me what you thought of the Black Widow movie. The girls have decided that is our Halloween costumes, so….look forward to that!


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