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Are you a fan of delicious flavor?

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

WAIT FOR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT…………………… is guest blog time by none other than Stephanie’s partner, Ghee Buttersnaps.  It took a lot of general awesomeness and perfectly groomed eyebrows but I managed to finagle the gig of writing about this week’s theme dinner for Psych The Movie 2: Lassie Come Home.  This is by far one of our favorite shows, turned into a movie, turned into another movie, of all time.  I mean, it isn’t like we like it sooo much that our Jules was named because of the character Juliet O’hara (Jules) from the show, but she was.  She very much was.  I know we must be outta our damn mind.  So this one is a fun one for us and only took us this long to get it because we were educating the girls with every wise cracking, crazy alias, wacky adventure episode that Shawn, Gus, Jules, Lassie, and the gang got into.  But now it is officially time so SUCK IT!

Psych is, if nothing else, a show about two foodies solving crimes in between delicious, coma inducing meals, which is perfect for a concept like Theme Dinner night.  But the sheer number of possibilities for fun food choices from the show was enough to make any Psych-Os go crazy and just a little bit hungry, perhaps for Skittles.  It also didn’t help that we actually had to try to make whatever we choose, which if you haven’t figured it out yet we are just normal people with really good kitchen appliances pretending to be chefs.  So we search the internet……….watched past episodes………and decided that we would do the impossible and make something too much for the human palate to manage, Fries Quatro Queso Doe Fritos.  But since Covid I have become more of a Ghee Butter-handles,so we found a recipe that used the healthier air fryer and I must say they were breaded balls of cheesy, flavor seizure inducing potatoes.

For our next food choice we decided it best to leave the actual food in Pysch, like the ice cream jerky and the pork tarts, to the guys running the Mash & Grab food truck.  Plus our girls just don’t have the sophisticated pallet for such delicacies.  So instead, we decided on an homage to the best character of the characters on the show……The Jamaican Inspector Man and naturally we made Jamaican Inspector Man Jerk Chicken Kabobs (wait what.... it’s kabobs……I’ve heard it both ways).  And much like the character it was smokey and stole the show.  Though it was hard to pass up on Soup Can Sam Chicken Noodle and County Inspector Weevils Exterminator, especially since the last one isn’t even a food, but the Jamaican Inspector Man Jerk Chicken really was worthy of song.

Finally, what Pysch theme night could not be complete without pineapple, and we didn’t even make it hard to find as we put it in the dessert and the drinks.  You know that’s right! The drinks were surprisingly not something that Shawn and Gus enjoyed on the screen but you know they have had their share of Dole Whips with Santa Barbara being close to Disneyland.  For Steph and I, a little addition to the whip made it adult-rated but…just a little bit.  The dessert we could have gone Blueberry but instead we turned the pineapple up to 11 and made a Pineapple SunshineCake, made with real sun rays.  And I must say, I liked it, I liked it very much.  

It was a great theme dinner night, one of my favorites but did you hear about Pluto.  That’s messed up!



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