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  • sdalcin

Adventures in Babysitting

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

I always thought this movie was good when I was growing up and enjoyed the adventure that the whole group goes on when babysitting! We watched both the old and new version and the girls enjoyed the newer version better! I think because they recognized the actors/actresses from other shows they have watched. Also side note: we almost didn’t watch the older version as it wasn’t one Disney Plus like I thought it was- thankfully we have recently gotten HBO Max and we were able to watch it on there! Crisis adverted!

We decided to start the night off with some snacks that they would get if a babysitter was watching them. I am not sure if they remember what having a babysitter is like these days as mom and dad are ALWAYS with them, but they enjoyed the cheese puffs and popcorn.

Since the original movie takes place in Chicago and pizza is a standard babysitting dinner, we decided on a Chicago deep dish pizza! One half was pepperoni and sausage while the other had onions and olives added to it. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and one slice was filling enough!

In the original movie, the babysitter and the kids were trying to get away from some people chasing them and they ended up in a jazz club. In order to pass through, they had to sign a song, so they came up with the a blues song about the night! And here is our drink based on the scene- the Babysitting Blues. It consisted of blue curaça, peach snapps, vodka and sprite. For the girls, I found a blue lemonade at the store and mixed it with Sprite!

They mention in both movies, about the babysitter taking them for ice cream. So ice cream it was for our theme! We did decided on Klondike bars as both Tyler and I had them a lot growing up and the girls never had them. There are many varieties, but we settled on mint chocolate chip, a family favorite! And of course they didn’t disappoint. Also all I had in my head while eating was their song-What would you dooooo for a Klondike bar....the girls will never know this! But obviously stayed with me many years later.

Comment below if you have seen both movies and which one is your favorite!


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