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  • sdalcin


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

This theme was a fun one in which we were able to enjoy with some friends! I have always been fascinating by magic, and like everyone want to know how the trick is done. So about a month ago, I bought virtual tickets to the Justin Williams Magic show. If you don’t know who he is, I highly recommend watching his Netflix show Magic for Humans. It involves magic of course, but also has some light hearted humor and always a good lesson to learn. So we invited our quarantine friends to watch it with us (actually we went to their house). Regardless, we stayed safe, wore masks, social distanced and had a bit of magic fun!

We had a some food allergies to keep in mind, but we managed to have something for everyone, while keeping with the theme. We made one of our favorite meals, a pre-made three cheese tortellini with a side of pesto to mix with it, if you want. And we called it Presto Pesto Pasta. Along with this, we decided on a meal fit for all, chicken strips from Canes Chicken. Though I know it was Canes Chicken, we still called it Charmed Chicken. For fun, we had some other sides with a magical flare, some peeled carrot sticks, and to incorporate the rabbit we carved one coming out of a hat in a watermelon.

I didn’t have an idea for the adults until the night before. I happened to look through this book that I got from Christmas years before that has all kinds of cocktail drinks, 1001 to be exact, hoping I could find something. Sure enough the drink, “Illusions” popped out. It is a combination of Midori, Vodka, Malibu, Blue Curaçao and OJ. It looked as it is named and had the illusion of changing color when the OJ was added.

The kids drink was color changing magic too. While the kids were distracted, we added different drops of food coloring to the bottom of the glasses and placed ice over top. When they were ready for their drinks, we poured Sprite into the cups and watched it turn to color. Very easy and fun trick the kids loved!

For dessert, we made Lucky Charms treats and they turned out to be a huge hit. Instead of rice krispies we just used Lucky Charms. And as they say, they were magically delicious! There also was another movie we watched the night before the show- it was called Magic Camp. Such a cute kids movie about magic, the girls ( and adults) loved it and I would recommend checking it out. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by. Comment below what your favorite magic trick is!



These are my opinions and not necessarily the same opinions of any organization that I am affiliated with. Because I am always adding new content to my blog, I may change my mind about older topics. I am not responsible for the comments my readers leave and I have the right to delete comments. The content on my blog is generated for entertainment purposes, but not to be perceived as professional advice. Lastly, I am not offering any endorsements.

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