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  • sdalcin


Welcome to to the New Year! I am hoping this year will be going back to some sort of normalcy- whatever that is now! I know COVID has changed our lives but the best of those changes for us has been in starting these weekly themed dinners. I hope you are enjoying them as much as we do (for the most part). The girls have so many favorites but we have lots of fun ones still to do this year.

To start the new year off, we decided on the new Disney Plus movie Soul! I am usually one to cry through most Disney/Pixar- don’t get me started on Inside Out or Toy Story. This movie I managed to not cry, probably because it had me really thinking about how to live life. It was a great movie.

We decided on taking the obvious route and went with Soul food based on the name of the movie. The movie doesn’t take place in the South but rather in New York and doesn’t have any Soul food in it. So it may have been more appropriate to do a dinner of pizza and lollipops. Both of which were in the actual movie but that is what happens when you haven’t seen the movie first. Oh well. The movie does follow a jazz musician, so music and food for the Soul works and something I knew we would enjoy.

For the main meal, we decided on Fried Chicken and mashed potatoes. Who doesn’t like that? I know my girls do! To go along with that we made corn bread and jalapeño coleslaw, even though the girls wouldn’t eat the latter.

For the drinks, we kept it very simple and decided on iced tea and lemonade. Drink it separately or mix them together like an Arnold Palmer, either way refreshing. To make it more adult, we added some lemon flavored rum and some triple sec to it. I had to make sure to slow down on these as they were easy to drink!

Now I will say that this dessert was one of my favorites and I couldn’t stop eating it. First let me tell you that this cake also took a very long time, but the outcome was amazing. After doing research on different Soul food, I decided on a caramel cake. I have actually never eaten or made a caramel cake before but it is popular in the South. The cake itself was very easy to make, just took longer as I was making 3 layers. The cake also had sour cream in it and took longer to bake as it was thicker. Now the caramel icing was the part that really took some time, 2 hours, to make but I new that ahead because the recipe said it would take that long. You pretty much have to constantly stir for the entire time too so it doesn’t burn. Then when it turns the right color and consistency, it is done. But the two hours sitting by the stove was worth it. Also I still have to work on my presentation skills, but it tasted AMAZING! At least it did for Tyler and me, the girls weren’t having any of it. They barely took three bites and said they didn’t like it. Oh well, happy new year for us.

Thanks for stopping by! Comment below if you have watched the new Soul movie and what your thoughts are on it.


These are my opinions, and not necessarily the same opinions of any organization I am affiliated with. Because I’m always adding new content to my blog, I may change my mind about a few older topics. I am not responsible for the comments my readers leave and I have the right to delete comments. The content on my blog is generated for entertainment and informative purposes, but not to be perceived as professional advice. Lastly, I am not offering any endorsements.

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