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  • sdalcin


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

This is the second Robin Williams movie that we did for a theme. Peter Pan is a classic which most adults can relate to- not wanting to grow up and to be a kid forever! Or am I just speaking for myself- haha! In this rendition, you have Peter who eventually did grow up, had kids of his own and forgot that he was ever in Neverland. Robin Williams plays Peter perfectly and this movie is a good reminder of how great am actor he was. The girls really enjoyed this movie and the actual theme dinner. So let’s fly to the second star on the right and off to Neverland and go over this theme’s details.

I originally had a different idea in mind on what to do for this main meal, but am so glad I went with this one. This came to me the day before as I was remembering the movie and things associated with Captain Hook. Hook‘s pirate ship, which has a few great scenes in the movie, popped into my head. So what better to combine than a pirate ship and dinner than Pirate Ship Pizza Bread! I picked up French bread, pizza sauce, pepperoni, sausage, olives and jalapeños (for Tyler). The girls again got to create their own, which I and them really enjoy doing. Also a bit earlier that day, the girls made the sails for their ships to turn the bread into pirate ships.

I found a drink on Pinterest that was called the Lost Boys, but could have also been called the Tinkerbell due to its bright green color! It consisted of Midori, peach schnapps and Malibu Rum, which were all things we had on hand. It turned out to be delicious! The girls had a Berry Hawaiian Punch (green color) with some sprite and it looked identical!

I also searched Pinterest for the dessert and it lead me to this website This blogger did the replica of the imagination pie in the scene where Peter is sitting down for dinner with the Lost Boys. In this scene, Peter starts to remember who he was and uses his imagination to make a feast appear out of nowhere, including some colorful pies. I followed the recipe to make a custard pie, which was a first for me. This one was a coconut flavor, which I wasn’t sure if Kyrie would like. The custard turned out perfect along with the pie crust. I have difficult times getting colors to be very bright when using food coloring and this time was no different. The topping was supposed to be a bright red whipped cream, but mine turned out more pink. The other colors of blue and greens turned out better. Overall, I was super impressed with my pie skills and glad I got show my baking skills to try this recipe.

Thanks for sailing along with us to Neverland, hope you enjoyed reading!


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